Tuesday, September 8, 2009

India National Highways Scenario

 India is the second largest in the world (3.3 million kilometers). Indian roads carry about 61% of the freight and 85% of the passenger traffic. All the highways and expressways together constitute about 66,000 kilometers (only 2% of all roads), whereas they carry 40% of the road traffic. To further the existing infrastructure,
Planning stage.......

Developing 1000 km of expressways
Developing 8,737 km of roads, including 3,846 km of national highways, in the North East
Four-laning 20, 000 km of national highways
Four-laning 6,736 km on North-South and East-West corridors
Six-laning 6,500 km of the Golden Quadrilateral and selected national highways
Widening 20,000 km of national highways to two lanes
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is the apex Government body for implementing the NHDP. All contracts whether for construction or BOT are awarded through competitive bidding
Private sector participation is increasing, and is through construction contracts and Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) for some stretches – based on either the lowest annuity or the lowest lump sum payment from the Government
BOT contracts permit tolling on those stretches of the NHDP
A large component of highways is to be developed through public-private partnerships and several high traffic stretches already awarded to private companies on a BOT basis.

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